E-News - September 2024
Spotlight on #ESMO24



Alliance Breast Committee Co-Chair Ann Partridge, MD, MPH (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) kicks off the opening session of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress in Barcelona, Spain today, receiving the 2024 ESMO Award and presenting a lecture on addressing the unintended consequences of cancer care. The conference, attended by more than 35,000 oncology professionals from around the world, takes place through September 17 and features several presentations on cancer clinical trials led by Alliance researchers.

Here's a quick list.

Results from Alliance A221405/IBCSG 48-14/BIG 8-13/POSITIVE (Pregnancy Outcome and Safety of Interrupting Therapy for Women with Endocrine-Responsive Breast Cancer) will focus on a secondary endpoint - breastfeeding in women with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer who conceived after temporary interruption of endocrine therapy. An international team of researchers designed the POSITIVE study to examine the safety of temporarily halting endocrine therapy to pursue pregnancy – specifically, whether a pause affects the risk of breast cancer relapse. Ann Partridge, MD, MPH (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) is the co-senior investigator of the study.

1814O - Proffered Paper Session: Supportive and palliative care, Saturday, September 14, 7:45 am CT (14:45 CEST)


Kimmie Ng, MD, MPH (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) will present data from Alliance A021703/SOLARIS (Randomized double-blind phase III trial of vitamin D3 supplementation in patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer). SOLARIS is a national, multi-center double-blind phase III randomized clinical trial looking at high-dose vitamin D combined with standard chemotherapy plus bevacizumab in patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer. Jeffrey Meyerhardt, MD, MPH( Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) is the senior author. Dr. Meyerhardt is also Co-Chair of the Alliance Gastrointestinal Committee. 

LBA26 - Proffered Paper Session 2: GI tumors, lower, Sunday, September 15, 8:35 am CT (15:35 CEST)


Andrea Apolo, MD (National Cancer Institute) will present extended follow-up findings from Alliance A031501/AMBASSADOR (Phase III randomized adjuvant study of pembrolizumab in muscle invasive and locally advanced urothelial carcinoma versus observation). AMBASSADOR is a randomized, open-label phase III trial evaluating pembrolizumab versus observation for the adjuvant treatment of localized MIUC and locally advanced urothelial carcinoma.

1964MO - Mini Oral Session: GU tumors, non-prostate. Sunday, September 15, 1:35 am CT (8:35 CEST)


Jennifer Ligibel, MD (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) will present results from Alliance A011401/BWEL (Randomized phase III trial evaluating the role of weight loss in adjuvant treatment of overweight and obese women with early breast cancer). BWEL is a phase III randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of a weight loss intervention on disease recurrence and other endpoints in overweight and obese women with stage II-III breast cancer. Dr. Ligibel is a Vice-Chair of the Alliance Prevention Committee. 

1817MO - Mini oral session: Supportive and palliative care, Sunday, September 15, 3:15 am CT (10:15 CEST)


Jennifer Chan, MD (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) will present final data from Alliance A021602/CABINET (Randomized, double-blinded phase III study of cabozantinib versus placebo in patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumors after progression on everolimus). CABINET is a phase III pivotal trial evaluating cabozantinib compared with placebo in two cohorts of previously treated patients with neuroendocrine tumors. Jeffrey Meyerhardt, MD, MPH (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) is the senior author. Dr. Meyerhardt is also Co-Chair of the Alliance Gastrointestinal Committee. 

1141O - Proffered Paper Session: NETs and endocrine tumors, Monday, September 16, 7:45 am CT (14:45 CEST)